FoodBank & Larder

The Old Schoolhouse Larder


  • The Old Schoolhouse Larder is a Tenterden based registered charity originally set up in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, during which schools closed down and the Family Foodbank charity was struggling to keep up with demand for food boxes.
  • We support vulnerable families with children who are finding it difficult to provide meals every day.
  • Open weekly, families are able to choose a top-up selection of non-perishable groceries and household & hygiene products.
  • Vouchers allowing families to select fruit & vegetables from the Tenterden Friday Market and from the Market Square Farm Butcher are also available.
  • We are based in the new EC30 building next door to Ivy Court Surgery in Tenterden.
  • Visit us Fridays 5:15pm – 6:15pm


Our ability to provide for families in need has been made possible by the generous support of the Tenterden community.

Sadly, we are now seeing a week-on-week increase in the number of families who are struggling to make ends meet and are running out of food.

We want to be able to continue to support families who require this service and ensure that everyone in need is provided for.

We would greatly appreciate any regular Standing Order commitment you can make, no matter how small. It makes a real difference to our ability to keep the Larder stocked.


Download our standing order mandate to support us.

Tenterden Family Foodbank

The Tenterden Family Foodbank also now has a permanent home in EC30. The Foodbank is part of a Kent-wide charity and exists to help any individual, couple or family who suffer a sudden change in circumstances which leaves them without food. It is meant as a short term emergency rescue measure until finances and/or other, more sustainable measures can be taken. 

The Foodbank works on a voucher system and anyone in need can receive a voucher by calling in or phoning EC30 or Tenterden Social Hub. Only minimal information and proof of ID is required. 

Foodboxes are supplied with non perishable items which would yield approximately 40 meals and are limited to 6 per household in any one year. 

The boxes are packed with foods which are donated by members of the public and collection points in Tenterden are in Waitrose, Tesco, St Michael’s Post Office and St Mildred’s Church so do please remember to buy a few extra bits when you shop and pop them into the collection as you leave the store.