Behind the happy hubbub of the Coffee Shop and the bargain hunting in the charity shop, EC30 has a suite of rentable rooms where individuals and organisations are able to offer services and activities which encourage and enable everybody in our community to live the best life they can achieve.

One such service is a weekly drop-in offered by the Social Prescribing Team.

The Ashford Rural Primary Care Network is a collective of 4 General Practices – Ivy Court, Woodchurch, Charing and Hamstreet and the Social Prescribing Team work together with the doctors, nurses and other clinical staff to ensure as far as possible that people living in these communities receive the best possible care to live the best and most fulfilling life.

It is a well known fact that there are many components required for a person to achieve a sense of wellbeing. It is also a fact that medicine cannot solve every illness or condition and that a person who lives with disability or pain can indeed live a good life and enjoy a sense of wellbeing.

The Social Prescribing Team is there to listen and talk to people on a private and confidential basis about anything that stands in the way of being able to live their best life. They can guide, direct, and suggest ways in which this could be achieved.

The reach of help sought to date is wide and varied and could range from simply needing to find a suitable outdoor walking aid or help filling an application form to access to mental health services or to creative, musical or artistic activities. Any and all of the things identified in the Five Ways to Wellbeing section.

Drop-in sessions are usually on Thursdays from 10am-2pm but can be arranged at other times.

Ask the Coffee Shop volunteers for an Appointment Request Form.